Hi i was just wondering if anyone could make me a 'Race-a-bout' like wheel. The only reason I want one like this is because i want a different coloured wheel.(other than black). And i just wondered if anyone could tell me if they could make it...or is it impossible to change the colour of the grip?
hayaku warrier ...meaning quick warrier i've been using it on my ps3 as i was gonna be quick warrier but it was taken(psn) so i looked up another word and that came up.
anyway.. back to the question in hand...
Hi, this is my first post so you will be probably be expecting a impossible request. But all i was wondering was that i downloaded a BOV pack. To activate this pack you put it in the engine folder and press shift + A in-game. You then had to press A 'T' button beside the dump valve section and load the wanted sound. It sounded really good and i noticed there was a 'T' button beside all sections. So all i am asking is that if anyone has any links or files like those that they would like to share
Thanks. http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=38209 this is the pack i am on about
Last edited by Hayaku Warrier, .
Reason : found it!